Social Net Promoter Score
Applied methods

SNPS research

Social Net Promoter Score

The Social Net Promoter Score (SNPS) provides a brand insight in the consumer loyalty in a specific research population. Through analyzing the brand image, a client can immediately respond to potential negative sentiment.

The Social Net Promoter Score (SNPS) provides a brand insight in the consumer loyalty in a specific research population. Through analyzing the brand image, a client can immediately respond to potential negative sentiment.

The SNPS method revolves around a one fundamental question, namely: “On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend the brand to family, friends or colleagues?”

Subsequently, the respondents are divided into three groups, being: Promoters (those that indicate a 9 or 10), the Passives (those that indicate a 7 or 8) and the Detractors (those that indicate a 6 or lower). By subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters, we end up with a score in the range of -100 to +100. This is considered the Social Net Promoter Score.

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